Jin Young Kim (김진영)

Dept. of Electronic Convergence Engineering, Kwangwoon University, Republic of Korea
email: jinyoung@kw.ac.kr
address: 610, chambich, 20, Gwangun-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
(서울시 노원구 광운로 20, 광운대학교 참빛관 610호)

Academic Background

Doctorate : Ph. D., Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 1998.
Master’s : M. Sc., Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 1993.
Bachelor’s : B. Sc., Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 1991.


Ph. D. Thesis: Performance of a Multicarrier DS/CDMA System with Adaptive Antenna Array, Seoul National University, Korea.
M. Sc. Thesis: Performance of Acquisition of a Frequency-Hopped Spread-Spectrum System using Adaptive Threshold, Seoul National University, Korea.
B. Sc. Thesis: Research on HEMT (High Electron Mobility Transistor) Device, Seoul National University, Korea.

Research Career

Professor, Department of Electronics Convergence Engineering, Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Korea, 2001 - now
Director, Disaster Telecommunications Research Center, Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Korea, 2007 - now
Visiting Scientist, Massachusettes Institute of Technology, MA, U.S.A, 2009-2010.
Senior Member of Technical Staff, SK Telecom, Korea, 2000-2001.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Princeton University, NJ, U.S.A, 1998-2000.
Special Research Staff, Interuniversity Semiconductor Research Center, Seoul National University, 1998-2000.

Awards and Honors

Innovation Award at the Seoul Branch of Ministry of SMEs and Startups, 2022.
Best Paper Award at the 2021 IIBC Fall Conference, 2021. (*IIBC: The Institue of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication)
Best Paper Award at the 2017 ITFE Summer Conference, 2017. (*ITFE: Korea Institue of Information and Telecommuncations Facility Engineering)
Best Paper Award at the 2015 KICS Summer Conference, 2015. (*KICS: The Korean Institue of Communications and Information Sciences)
Best Paper Award at the 2013 IEIE Fall Conference, 2013. (*IEIE: The Institue of Electronics and Information Engineers)
Award of Prime Minister in Korea, Excellent Contribution Award for Top-Notch Technology Innovations, 2013.
Hwando Academic Award Excellent academic achievement award of Kwangwoon University, 2011.
(* Hwado: penname of the founder(Kwangwoon Cho) of Kwangwoon University)
LG Yonam Professor Fellowship, LG Group, 2009-2010.
Jack Neubauer Best Systems Paper Award, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, 2003.
IBC (International Biographical Center), Biography listed in One Thousand Great Scientists, in the 1st Edition, Cambridge, England, 2002-2003.
(* IBC: world’s leading biographical reference publisher)
Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, Biography listed as Telecommunication Engineer in the 6th Edition, 2002-2003.
Marquis Who’s Who in the World, Biography listed as Telecommunication Engineer in the 18th Edition (First Edition of the 21st Century), 2001.
(* Marquis: America’s leading biographical publisher).
Best Paper Award, Asia Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC ‘00), Seoul, Korea, Nov. 2000.
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, KOSEF (Korea Science and Engineering Foundation), 1998-1999.
Award of Minister of Information and Communications in Korea, Best Paper Award at the 1998 fifth LG Paper Contest, 1998.
Best Paper Award, IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Multimedia Communications (IEEE MoMuC '97), Sept. 1997.

Activities in academic societies

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, U.S.A.):
    Senior Member (since 1991)
    Operations Committee Chair, IEEE ICC'2022, Seoul, Korea, 2022.
    Publications Chair, IEEE APWCS'2017, Incheon, Korea, 2017.
    Treasury Chair, IEEE ISIT'2009, Seoul, Korea, 2009.
    TPC Chair, IEEE ISPLC'2008, Jeju, Korea, 2008.
IEE (Institute of Electrical Engineers, U.K.):
    Member (since 1994)
IEICE (Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers, Japan):
    Regular Member (since 1995)
IEIE (The Institue of Electronics and Information Engineers, Korea):
    Life Member (since 1991)
    Director, Communications Society, 2015-2015
KICS (Korean Institute of Communications Sciences, Korea):
    Life Member (since 1991)
    Director, Military Communications Society, 2020-2021
    Director, Mobile Communications Society, 2016-2016
    Director, Coding and Information Theory Society, 2014-2014
KOSST (Korea Society of Satellite Technology, Korea):
    Life Member (since 2003)
    Director, Planning Committee, 2012 - now
ITFE (Korea Institue of Information and Telecommuncations Facility Engineering, Korea):
    Life Member (since 2003)
    Member, Journal Editorial Board, 2015-now
KIEES (The Korean Institue of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science, Korea):
    Life Member (since 2001)
IIBC (The Institue of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, Korea):
    Life Member (since 2005)
NRF (National Research Foundations, Korea):
    Review Board Member (2016-2018)
SRMC (Satellite Radio Monitoring Center, Korea):
    Advisory Member (since 2007)